Thursday, December 1, 2016

Preparing your construction site for winter snow melt and rain

Set up your BMPs before winter starts!
The construction season is coming to a close. Set up erosion and sediment control measures on your site before the ground freezes, so they offer protection during winter thaws, rain events, and the spring snow melt. Don’t risk water quality violations!
Construction site fall prep

Stabilize all exposed soils with mulch or other cover and plant seed for early spring. 

Remove sediment deltas.

Construction site fall prep 5

Construction site fall prep 2

Stabilize ditch bottoms with appropriate BMPs.

Clean sediment traps.

Construction site fall prep 4

Construction site fall prep 6

Clean sediment from streets and gutter systems.

Repair non-functioning BMPs

Construction site fall prep 3

Operating in frozen conditions
If construction work is suspended due to frozen conditions, the site inspections can be suspended too. However, if snow melt or precipitation causes runoff during the winter months, the inspection and maintenance schedule must resume within 24 hours after the runoff occurs. If construction resumes during frozen conditions, inspections must resume 24 hours prior to resuming the construction and continue while construction is active. Install erosion and sediment control measures on the same timelines required during non-frozen conditions, but the installation method and type of BMPs may change. For example, hydro mulches can’t be used on snow, but straw mulch can. Instead of staking and trenching in silt fence, use weights to adhere it to the ground or use rock logs as perimeter control.

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